It’s our 5th birthday!
2022 is without a doubt an important milestone for our company, that must be celebrated. In only 5 years, we have grown as no other company could, thanks to the amazing idea from our founders, which is now our day-to-day reality with a more than 20 people team.
On such a special day, we wanted to share how we have done it. How Glartek has born 5 years ago from a need that was detected by our founders in the manufacturing environment. And today, we have an incredible team, investors, amazing worldwide partners, and of course, customers that continuously believe in our outstanding products.
Originally created in 2017, Glartek was a band composed by 2 individuals: Luís Murcho and Gonçalo Pinheiro. An architect and an engineer that came together to respond to an industrial need: Lack of digital tools to ensure the safety and efficiency of shopfloor procedures. But how could they solve this problem, without being a simple platform? Mobility. Mobility through Augmented Reality (AR) technology was the answer.
Fast forward, the product was validated, developed, and tested to ensure that this idea was not just an idea. And yet, it became a true market value proposition. From that point on, the company won more than 10 awards for the potential of the solution presented. Amazing right?
Some key achievements to highlight:
- Prize of EDP Innovation award
- Websummit 2017 (Best Portuguese Startup
- 1st Prize of STEM4Health Lisbon 4th Edition
2020 – the Start4big second Innovation Wave - EU Seal of Excellence
- ANI Recognition
- ISO 27001 security certification
- Main customers Bosch, Renault, ….
- Partnership with Microsoft, GE, NOS
- … and for a team of twenty, we have more than 5 different nationalities which make it even more pleasant as a team

We are what we work for, and thanks to an amazing team, technology excellence, our services are now a reference on the market, either our cutting edge Augmented & Connected Worker Platform, or our unique, free of charge Visual Remote Assistance solution.
If you want to find more on our growth, reach us at [email protected], we’ll be more than happy to help you.
You can also keep up with our latest news and achievements by following us on Linkedin, Youtube, or Twitter.